Prayer Involves Intercession (2)

Prayer Involves Intercession (2)

Reading: Genesis 18

James tells us that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us [1]. That’s just what Abraham did when he heard of God’s plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were filled with wickedness; their sin was so very grievous to God that He sent two angels into Sodom to see the extent of it. Abraham stood before the Lord, a stance that symbolises intercession. As he drew near to God, he pleaded on behalf of the people of these cities that if there were fifty righteous among them, that God would not destroy them and the Lord gave him His word. Abraham knew that there weren’t fifty righteous there and so he pleaded with God for forty-five, and then forty, then thirty, then twenty and finally ten. Each time God promised to spare the city if such people were found. Abraham showed a true spirit of intercession for these people. Moses is another example of one who interceded on behalf of others. Moses had been up Mount Sinai where he had received the law from God. However, on his return he heard the sound of Israel’s idolatry and merry making as they worshiped the golden calf [2]. Moses pleaded for them before God for he knew they had broken the second commandment that God had just given them. He even offered to have his name removed from the book of life in order that they would be spared. Before the cross the Lord Jesus spoke to His Father on behalf of His disciples for, He knew the difficulties they would face after His return to heaven. He also prayed for those who would believe on Him through their witness [3]. At Calvary, Jesus pleaded on behalf of those who were crucifying Him by saying “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” [4]. The same spirit was seen in Stephen when he was being stoned to death [5]. Intercession demonstrates a real Christ-like concern over others.

References: [1] James 4v8 [2] Exodus 32v31,32 [3] John 17 [4] Luke 23v34 [5] Acts 7v60

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