Why Do Christians Pray?

Why Do Christians Pray?

Reading: Acts 9.1-22

In our natural state we are dead in trespasses and sins [1]. This came about because of Adam’s sin [2] in the garden of Eden; fellowship with God was replaced by a fear of Him [3]. Before that time, Adam and Eve enjoyed fellowship with God but communion and confidence disappeared after they sinned, and the sense of God’s presence and nearness was lost. From that point onwards, all who were born, inherited Adam’s condition. God, however, has placed within us a conscience which leads us to the right conclusion that there is a God [4]. Sin can numb and destroy this so that many say in their heart “There is no God” [5]. However, when a person is saved, the Spirit of God enters in; they are born again [6] and raised up to new life [7]. One of the first things that a saved person will want to do is to pray to God their father with their spirit, which is now alive. You could say that this is the instinctive behaviour of a Christian. When Saul of Tarsus was first saved, the Lord reassured Ananias that he was no longer a threat but was a genuine believer by saying “behold he prayeth” [8]. When Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane, he addressed God as “Abba Father” which is the heart cry of a true son. Paul tells us in two of his epistles that this is also true of every Christian [9]. So, lift your heart up to God today and pray!

References:   [1] Ephesians 2v1 [2] Romans 5v12 [3] Genesis 3v10  [4]  Romans 1v19-20 [5] Psalm 14v1 [6] John 3v6 [7] Ephesians 2v5  [8] Acts 9v11  [9] Romans 8v15; Galatians 4v6

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