Worship Brings Glory To God

Worship Brings Glory To God

Reading: John 4

God the Father loves to hear our worship, praise and adoration. He has fully revealed Himself to us in His Son, Who, when speaking to the woman at the well in Samaria, told her of His Father’s desire that He should be worshipped in spirit and in truth. Through faith in the Lord Jesus, we have been born again; we are spiritually alive to God and are able to worship Him in this way. We were not able to do this before we were saved but now the Spirit of God indwells us as a fountain of water, quenching our thirst for God, giving us new holy desires and longings for Him. This totally changed the woman’s life and made her a testimony to those in her village. The Psalmist, inspired by the Holy Spirit, explains that worship is the act of giving glory to God [1]. He calls for the mighty to ascribe to God what is due to His name, that which is rightfully His. This must however be done in the beauty of holiness and through the blood of Christ, He has made us holy. However, we must come to Him in the right condition, sin confessed and right with each other. In Matthew’s Gospel [2], the Lord speaks of worship as bringing gift to the altar but leaving it there if we remember that we have fallen out with a fellow believer. Reconciliation must come first before God will accept our gift of praise. At the front of one of our old hymns books often used at the breaking of bread, is a quotation from a Psalm [3] which sums up God’s pleasure when we worship Him saying “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me”.

References: [1] Psalm 29v1,2; [2] Matthew 5v23-24; [3] Psalm 50v23

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