Worship is Adoration To God

Worship is Adoration To God

Readings: John 12v1-11

Six days before Jesus died, He visited the home of three close friends, Lazarus, Mary and Martha. This was in Bethany after He had raised Lazarus from the dead. Martha made supper and served them while Lazarus probably talked with Jesus as they reclined around the table. The disciples were there including Judas Iscariot. It must have been a wonderful occasion of sweet fellowship and wholesome talk. Mary however, knowing that the Lord was going to die, took this opportunity to show her adoration for her Saviour by bringing something of great value, a pound of ointment of pure liquid nard (a fragrant East Indian plant which produces a beautiful smell). The odour filled the house as she anointed her Lord’s feet and wiped them with her hair. Here is a picture of true worship; something that had cost her much was placed upon Him; it was no doubt of great value to her. King David, when three men hazarded their lives so he could drink of the waters at Bethlehem, poured it out unto the Lord because he did not think himself to be good enough to receive such devotion; only God deserved that [2]. On another occasion, he refused to offer to God that which cost him nothing [2]. When Judas saw this woman’s act of worship, he was critical and said it was a waste of money but in her heart, she believed that Jesus was worth it. When we worship God, it will cost us. Time spent in the quiet place with God during the week will enable us to bring precious thoughts of Christ to God at the breaking of bread. Surely, He is worthy! The effects of this acts of worship filled the place with the odour and she carried it in her hair. Worship offered to God affects us and those around us. There is no better way to begin the week, the fragrance of our worship will follow us through the week.

References: [1] 2 Samuel 23v16 [2] 2 Samuel 24v24;

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