Prayer Involves Intercession (1)

Prayer Involves Intercession (1)

Reading: 1 Timothy 2.1-8

When Paul wrote a letter to Timothy, he told him that it was important for a Christian to make intercession. This is one aspect of prayer that we do on behalf of others. To intercede is to pray for someone who needs help, someone who is in need.  All men and women need God’s salvation and none can live for God without His help. Paul strongly urges Timothy to pray first of all for people in authority, those whom God has placed over us [1]. Their actions can affect us in either a good way or in a bad way, they have the power to either help us or hinder us from living quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. Godliness is Christian character, it is God-likeness and an important part of our spiritual growth [2]. Since God’s character is holy, to be godly is to live reverently and respectfully towards Him. Honesty is another important part of the new nature God has given to us. Paul calls it the new man [3]; he encourages us to put off the old man and put on the new man. The old man has a tendency to lie but the new man should always tell the truth. To pray for the salvation of others is good and acceptable with God who wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth about the Gospel. They need to know about the Lord Jesus and their need of Him. It is quite scriptural then to pray for the salvation of souls: family, friends, colleagues and people we witness to. We can intercede for people who need to be saved because God has provided a mediator between Himself and mankind, the man Christ Jesus. He is perfectly suited to this role as He is both God and man. He paid an infinite price as a ransom for all and God wants us to make this known to all people at this time. God will use our prayers to bring others to faith in Christ and this includes people in authority.

References: [1] Romans 13v1-7; 1 Peter 2v13-17; [2] 2 Peter 1v6 [3] Ephesians 4v24,25

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