Double Calls in the Bible

Double Calls in the Bible


TheThere are several occurrences of “double calls” in the Bible.

“Abraham, Abraham”, Genesis 22.1.

“Jacob, Jacob”, Genesis 46.2.

“Moses, Moses”, Exodus 3.4.

“Unclean, unclean”, Leviticus 13.45

“Samuel, Samuel”,1 Samuel 3.10.

“O altar, altar”, 1 Kings 13.2.

“My father, my father”, 2 Kings 2.12

“My head, my head”, 2 Kings 4.19.

“My God, my God”, Psalm 22.1; Matthew 27.46.

“Woe to Ariel, to Ariel”, Isaiah 29.1.

“Rabbi, Rabbi”, Matthew 23.7.

“Jerusalem, Jerusalem”, Matthew 23.37;Luke 13.34.

“Martha, Martha”, Luke 10.41.

“Lord, Lord”, Luke 13.25.

“Simon, Simon”, Luke 22.31.

“Master, Master”, Mark 14.45, Judas Iscariot.

“Master, Master”,  Luke 8.24, disciples.

“Saul, Saul”, Acts 9.4;22.7;26.14.

“Babylon is fallen, is fallen”, Revelation 14.8.

Sometimes double calls indicates God has an interest in a person such as with Abraham, Jacob and Samuel. Other times  they indicate judgement as with Jerusalem and Babylon. They also indicates false profession as with Judas and those who used the title “Lord”.



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