Ascension of Christ

Ascension of Christ

Ascension Day

Ascension Day is an anniversary of the Lord Jesus Christ’s return to Heaven after being upon earth for thirty-three and a half years.

“There are at least fourteen passages  in the New Testament that refer to the Ascension of Christ and His work on the throne [in Heaven] on behalf of His people”, says  TE Wilson. A variety of terms are used to describe it.

  • He was “received up” (Mark 16.19;Luke 9.51).
  • He was “carried up” (Luke 24.51).
  • He was “taken up” (Acts 1.9).
  • He “went up” (Acts 1.10).
  • He “ascended up” (Ephesians 4.10).
  • He was “caught up” (Revelation 12.5).

“This is the glorious climax of His finished work on the Cross and the introduction to His unfinished work on the throne.”

( TE Wilson, Mystery Doctrines of the New Testament, pages 50-51).

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