Are you ashamed of the Gospel of Christ?

Are you ashamed of the Gospel of Christ?

Reading: Romans 1v16

In this verse, we read these words “I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek”.

When Paul wrote this letter, he was addressing people who lived in the centre of civilisation, the metropolis of the empire. Although it was a place full of culture, learning and wealth, yet Roman morals were depraved. He writes to them with confidence because the message he had was the power of God to transform the lives of all who would believe it. The Jews were under a law which they could not keep and the Gentiles were in the grip of idolatry. The power was available to both groups to liberate and save them.

A carpet cleaner salesman went around the doors demonstrating his new machine. Those who allowed him in, saw its power to clean. He would first cover the floor with dust, much to their astonishment, and then proceed to remove every trace of it using his device, much to their relief. He was not ashamed of his product and could speak confidently about it because he knew it worked for he had tested himself first. As we know, the Gospel has to be received and applied before the power is unleashed and its effects experienced.

Dear fellow Christian, don’t be discouraged and disappointed when, having witnessed to friends, neighbours and others, they refuse to believe it. You know how much it has changed your life; never doubt the message for it is excellent; it is the hearers who are at fault. As in the case of the sower and the seed, there was nothing wrong with the seed, it was the ground into which it landed that was faulty in 3 out of 4 cases (Matthew 13v3-9, 18-23). They may accuse you of being a ‘fundamentalist’ and ridicule your belief in creation. Yet, if they would face up to their sinful condition before God and allow the Gospel in, they would experience its power.

Therefore, don’t be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ because you know it works. Keep witnessing and spreading the Gospel in whichever way you are able and leave the results with God.

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