Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Social Distancing

“Social distancing”  has become a  buzz word. It sums up the restrictions that have been imposed on us by the UK Government. We must stay two metres apart from each other. Initially, we could only have one exercise a day outside the house locally.We are only to shop when it is essential. 

All these social distancing rules appear harsh but they are necessary for our wellbeing and the future of the NHS, we are often told. The Government wants to delay the spread of the coronavirus as best they can so our hospitals won’t be overwhelmed with sick folk.

There is a penalty if we don’t comply with these rules. Normally  it is a fine, or be arrested by the police for persistently offending.

In the Bible God imposed His laws on the nation of Israel. They were for their wellbeing. There were laws on diet which prohibited them from eating certain animals, birds and fish. There were social laws against stealing, murder and infidelity in marriage. There were religious laws telling them that the Sabbath Day (Saturday) was their day of rest. There were penalties for those who  broke any of these laws.

Most of these laws apply today such as loving our neighbour as ourselves. Unfortunately, we cannot keep all of them because we are  biased towards them. Therefore, we are at a distance from God, that is, we  do not have a relationship with Him. He wants us to have a relationship with Him. He has made it possible by allowing His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross at Calvary in Palestine. We ought to  believe in Him otherwise we must pay a penalty which will be separation from God forever.

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