Thought for the Day on former Scarlet FM February 2006

Thought for the Day on former Scarlet FM February 2006

Thought for the Day

 Scarlet FM

13-17th February 2006.

 Source: The Family Magazine vol. 37 no.5 Sept./Oct. 2005

 Prerecorded on 9-2-06

In the Gospel of John chapter 3 and verse 16 we read “For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”.
 Someone has paraphrased the text in this way:
“Twenty five words in John three  sixteen
  No greater text has ever been seen.
  Twelve about God and twelve about me.
 “Son”, is the centre, of John three sixteen”

For about 6 years running I received Valentine cards. Comments and names of people were scribbled down so as to disguise the handwriting. Even until now I cannot say for certain who this deceptive lover is. In contrast, the crucifixion of Christ leaves us in no doubt that God loves us. In Romans chapter 5 and verse 8 we read, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.

Role models are supposed to be people we look up to. Achievement in a certain field is the normal criterion, like sport, music and drama. Failure, however, is inevitable because  we all have  short-comings. The Lord Jesus Christ alone is our true Example. He is faultless and so only He was competent to secure our forgiveness through His crucifixion. As the hymn says,
“There was no other good enough.
  To pay the price of sin,
  He only could unlock the gate.
  Of Heaven, and let us in”.

Some time  ago, a lone Frenchman in an effort to beat the British new Atlantic crossing record, had left Massachusetts rowing his 20 foot vessel. Nine hundred miles from the French coast for which he was heading, his boat capsized. He sent out distress signals. His calls were heard by coastguards in Falmouth who sent a RAF Nimrod. It spotted him and alerted a Russian trawler that picked him up. Are you in distress?  In Romans chaper 10 and verse 13 we read, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved”.

A 64 year old woman was gunned down in the family’s jewelry shop as she instinctively ran in front of her 35 year terrified daughter to shield her from a gunman. She stretched out her arms and shouted, “NO!” She slumped to the floor, fatally wounded. After a violent struggle with the daughter and her father the killer and his accomplice fled with a handful of jewelry worth £1,120. It was said that it was an instinctive act of bravery by a mother to protect her daughter,  but it cost her her life. In Galatians chapter 2 and verse 20 Paul says of the Lord Jesus on the Cross, “The Son of God Who loved me and gave Himself for me”. Can all the listeners say this truthfully, too?















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