Holy Week

Holy Week

Holy Week
Here is a summary of the first Holy Week.
Sunday: Entry into Jerusalem. Stayed in Bethany
Monday: Cursing of the fig tree. Cleansing of the Temple. Taught. Bethany.
Tuesday: Cursed fig tree. Teaching. Woes on scribes and Pharisees. Olivet Discourse. Bethany.
Wednesday & Thursday: Plotting to kill the Lord by the Jewish leaders.
Thursday evening: Celebration of the Passover by the Lord and His disciples. Disclosure of truth concerning the Church and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
On Tuesday the disciples are seen as representatives of the godly Remnant, those Jews who were true believers in contrast to the mass of the Jews who were not true believers. They are seen as such in Matthew’s Gospel which is Jewish in character.
On the Thursday evening the disciples are representatives of the church was to be formed in Acts 2 on the Day of Pentecost. They are seen as such in John’s Gospel.
(Christ and the Future by Frederick Tatford, page 97) .

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