Author: Nevil Williams

The Great Physician (Luke 4. 16-20)

The Great Physician (Luke 4. 16-20)

In the Gospel of Luke chapter 4 we read of the Lord Jesus Christ in the synagogue at Nazareth in Galilee. Please read vv16 – 23. There He read the Book of Isaiah chapter  61:1,2. F. C. Jennings in his book Studies In Isaiah, P.703, says,”This chapter should surely be of supreme interest to us, for 2000 years ago, a carpenter, about thirty years of age, might have been seen standing up amid a Jewish congregation in a simple place of worship, in a village of a despised district in a despised country, as though He were  desirous of addressing  those present. We are told nothing of His personal appearance, but evidently He was not of any exalted social standing. His clothing must have been that of an ordinary artisan, for He was but a carpenter, and the son of a carpenter, or at least so thought to  be, and the villagers among whom He had grown up assumed that they were thoroughly aquainted with Him and all His relatives.” (VV 16, 17).

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Noah’s Ark (In Welsh)

Noah’s Ark (In Welsh)

Nevil Williams ydw i, aelod yr Evangelistic Hall, Arthur Street, Llanelli

Y Llyfr Genesis, penod wyth ac adnodau deuddeg hyd deuddeg a ddwy yn dweud:”Yna adeiladodd Noa allor i’r Arglwydd, a chymryd rhai o bob math o’r anifeiliaid  glan ac adar glan, ac offrymu poethoffrymau ar yr allor. A phan glywodd yr Arglwydd yr arogl hyfryd, dywedodd yr Arglwydd ynddo’i ei hun, “Ni felltithiaf y ddaear mwyach o achos dyn, er bod gogwydd ei feddwl yn ddrwg o’i ieuenctid; ni ddifethaf eto popeth byw fel y gwnneuthum.Tra pery’r ddaear, ni pheidia pryd hau a medi, oerni a gwres, haf a gaeaf, dydd a nos”.

Dywedodd Duw hyn ar ol y Llif yn yr amser Noah. Daeth y Llif achos roedd Duw yn anhapus am beth oedd yn digwydd yn y byd. Nawr mae byd newydd yn dechrau ar sail arberth. Efellai chi’n  anhapus am y ffordd chi wedi byw hyd yn nawr. Mae apostol Paul yn dweud yn ei ail epistol i’ r Corinthiaid penod pump ac adnod pymtheg a ddwy:”Felly, os yw dyn yng Nghrist, y mae’n greadigaeth newydd; aeth yr hen heibio, y mae’r newydd yma”. Mae hwn yn bosibl trwy credu yn yr Arberth yr Arglwydd Iesu Grist ar Calfaria.

Hefyd, mae’r testun yn Genesis yn dangos mai Duw yn Creawdwr ffyddlon achos mae’n cadw addewid ni bydd E’n llifo’r byd eto ac mae’n cadw’r byd.

Yn yr Efengyl Mathew pennod undeg un mae’r Arglwydd Iesu Grist yn dweud,”Dewch ataf fi, bawb sy’n flinedig ac yn llwythog, ac fe roddaf orffrwystra i chwi. Cymerwch fi iau arnoch a dysgwch gennyf, oherwydd addfwyn ydwyf fi a gostyngedig o galon, ac fe gewch orffwystra i’ch eneidau. Y mae fy iau i yn hawdd ei dwyn, a’m baich i yn ysgafn”. Ydych chwi dan pwysedd? Ydy e’n gormod i chwi? Wel, mae’r Arglwdd Iesu yn estyn gwahoddiad i chwi i ddod ato ef i gael gorffwys. Os chi’n credu ynddo ef a derbyn ef fel eich Iachawdwr bydd e’n rhoi nerth i chwi and arwain chwi trwy bywyd.





Why Did Nevil Williams write Eddie John and the Lost Community?

Why Did Nevil Williams write Eddie John and the Lost Community?

Why Did Nevil Williams write Eddie John and the Lost Community?

There were two reasons

Firstly, I wanted to write a tribute to my very kind stepfather, Eddie John. He picked up some very bad habits after the death of his mother Emily Jane who he adored. Her last words to him in 1919, as she lie dying of the Spanish flu which was rampant at the time, eventually led to his conversion on 1 March, 1923. After that his life was transformed. He became a member of the Evangelistic Hall, Arthur Street. He was spurred on to building the Bury Gospel Hall in Machynys in 1930 through the preaching of Alfred Gardner of Hereford. His sermon was entitled “Vision and Venture” being based on Proverbs 29:18,”Where there is no vision the people perish”. The Hall opened in January 1931. Eddie was well-known locally for his preaching and pastoral ministry. The Gospel Hall closed around 1969 when the houses of Machynys and Bwlch-y-Gwynt began to be demolished.

This leads me on to the second reason which is, to preserve a record of these two villages in which I lived for twelve years.There was a lovely community in both. It’s a shame that the council uprooted and scattered the residents. So I moved to Trinity Road in September 1969. I attended the Morfa Gospel Hall as I did the Burry Gospel  Hall.The members of the Burry Gospel  Hall bought the Institute of the Morfa Tinworks in 1955 and converted it into the Morfa Gospel  Hall. It closed in March 1991 because of the council’s Land Regeneration Scheme.Thankfully, the Lost Communities of Bwlch-y-Gwynt and Machynys, the Glanymor and Tyisha History Group with the Llanelli Community Heritage have been working hard to record the history of the area.









Thought for the Day on former Scarlet FM February 2006

Thought for the Day on former Scarlet FM February 2006

Thought for the Day

 Scarlet FM

13-17th February 2006.

 Source: The Family Magazine vol. 37 no.5 Sept./Oct. 2005

 Prerecorded on 9-2-06

In the Gospel of John chapter 3 and verse 16 we read “For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”.
 Someone has paraphrased the text in this way:
“Twenty five words in John three  sixteen
  No greater text has ever been seen.
  Twelve about God and twelve about me.
 “Son”, is the centre, of John three sixteen”

For about 6 years running I received Valentine cards. Comments and names of people were scribbled down so as to disguise the handwriting. Even until now I cannot say for certain who this deceptive lover is. In contrast, the crucifixion of Christ leaves us in no doubt that God loves us. In Romans chapter 5 and verse 8 we read, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.

Role models are supposed to be people we look up to. Achievement in a certain field is the normal criterion, like sport, music and drama. Failure, however, is inevitable because  we all have  short-comings. The Lord Jesus Christ alone is our true Example. He is faultless and so only He was competent to secure our forgiveness through His crucifixion. As the hymn says,
“There was no other good enough.
  To pay the price of sin,
  He only could unlock the gate.
  Of Heaven, and let us in”.

Some time  ago, a lone Frenchman in an effort to beat the British new Atlantic crossing record, had left Massachusetts rowing his 20 foot vessel. Nine hundred miles from the French coast for which he was heading, his boat capsized. He sent out distress signals. His calls were heard by coastguards in Falmouth who sent a RAF Nimrod. It spotted him and alerted a Russian trawler that picked him up. Are you in distress?  In Romans chaper 10 and verse 13 we read, “Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved”.

A 64 year old woman was gunned down in the family’s jewelry shop as she instinctively ran in front of her 35 year terrified daughter to shield her from a gunman. She stretched out her arms and shouted, “NO!” She slumped to the floor, fatally wounded. After a violent struggle with the daughter and her father the killer and his accomplice fled with a handful of jewelry worth £1,120. It was said that it was an instinctive act of bravery by a mother to protect her daughter,  but it cost her her life. In Galatians chapter 2 and verse 20 Paul says of the Lord Jesus on the Cross, “The Son of God Who loved me and gave Himself for me”. Can all the listeners say this truthfully, too?















Prophet, Priest and King

Prophet, Priest and King

The three offices of prophet, priest and king are only occupied by the Lord Jesus Christ as a complete set.

David was a king and a prophet, 1 Samuel 17.13; Acts 2.31.

Ezekiel was a priest and a prophet, Ezekiel 1.3.

Uzziah tried to combine kingship and priesthood which led to God punishing him by making him a leper, 2 Chronicles 26.16-23. Only the Lord Jesus can rightly combine both offices, Zechariah 6.13.

Christ is a
Great King, Psalm 48.2; Matthew 5.35.
Great Prophet, Luke 7.16.
Great High Priest, Hebrews 4.14. Aaron was only a high priest.

Paul At Athens

Paul At Athens


Paul At Athens

Acts17. 16-3


Athens was an idolatrous city which perplexed the Apostle Paul on his second missionary journey, verse 16.

Athens was also a cosmopolitan city so Paul applied the principle in Romans 1.16 that the Gospel is to be preached first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. So, firstly, he preached to the Jews in their synagogue and then to others in the market place, verse 17, and on Mars Hill, verses 18-34.

Paul preached to the Jews from their Old Testament at Thessalonica in Acts 17.1-4. However, he preached to the pagans in verses 18-34 on creation. “Initially, it is the work of God in creation that tells him (man) of his accountability to God. But it is the Word of God in Holy Scripture which tells him of Jesus Christ and the way back to God”. (Urban Harvest, p.186, by R. Joslin). We, too, ought to use discretion in our evangelism, Proverbs 11.30. Cf. Matthew 10.16.

Let us now focus on the philosophers Paul challenged on Mars Hill.

1.The Origin and Objectives of the Philosophers, v.18a.

Happiness and pleasure are the supreme good and the basis of morality according to Epicurus and his followers. The former was a moderate person who lived from 341 – 270 BC. The latter, by Paul’s time, were given to gross sensualism and are mentioned in Philippians 3.19. True happiness is when one is forgiven by God, Psalm 32.1

The Stoics’ philosophy originated with Zeno of Citium in 3 BC. The name derives from the porch (stoa poikilê) in the Agora at Athens. They believed that the highest good was to cultivate indifference to both pleasure and pain. Endurance is a virtue Christians should cultivate, James 1.3.

2.The Opinion the Philosophers had of Paul, v18b.

“What will this babler say?”, they asked. Young’s Literal Translation reads, “What would this seed picker wish to say?” M.R. Vincent in Word Studies of the N.T. volume 1, page 264, elaborates on this picture. The philosophers compared Paul to a bird which picks up seeds in the street and markets. They thought Paul mixed different ideas in order to make a new doctrine. Rather, he had come to proclaim the Gospel as presented in the Holy Scriptures. Its basis was “Jesus and the resurrection”. Perhaps they thought “the resurrection” was a goddess!

 3.The Occupation of the Philosophers, verses 19-21.

The philosophers brought Paul to Mars Hill, so called because of the myth of the trial of the god Mars, for the murder of the son of Neptune. Its other name was Areopagus, the highest court in the land. They loved novelty so they asked Paul of the “new doctrine” he was proclaiming. It was new in quality and character. The Gospel message, since its introduction over two thousand years ago, is “old yet ever new”, as the hymnist put it.

  1. The Observation Paul had of the Athenians, verses 22-23.

Paul was very polite as usual when dealing with his hearers. He told them that they were “very religious” (N.I.V.) but ignorant of the true God. He pointed out the altar with the inscription “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD”. The Athenians wanted to ensure that they had not overlooked any god in their worship to safeguard against any judgement that may come upon them. Their religion must have been one of fear. The inscription served as a springboard for Paul’s discourse by which he dispelled their ignorance. Some Christians are able to adapt a phrase in order to present the Gospel. For example, in an open air service a preacher made a pun from the words on an advertisement by a utility company, “Be converted”.

 5.The Outlook of Paul and the Philosophers, verses 24 – 31.

Paul very skilfully and diplomatically handles the outlook of the philosophers in his following discourse. He dealt with issues he was   passionate about and showed how their views were false and futile.

 Creation is the first issue, verse 24. Both parties denied there is a Creator. The Epicurians believed in the “Big Bang” theory like many today. The Stoics taught pantheism which is being perpetuated by the New Age Movement. Rather, the universe came into existence through the spoken word of God, He Who governs the world, Genesis 1; Psalm 22.28.

Providence is the second issue, verse 25. “Providence is the beneficence control or care of God over His creatures” (New English Dictionary).  He does not rely on human agency; rather, He gives and sustains life. He gives breath to humans, Genesis 2.7; Daniel 5.23, and to animals, Psalm 104.29.  The Epicurians were atheists and said if there was a God, He would not be interested in His creatures. Paul indicates to the Stoics that God’s providence proves that He is distinct from His creation.

 Government is the third issue, verses 26 – 30.

Verse 26 “He made of one every nation of men” (R.V.). Adam was the source of the human race, Deuteronomy 32.8. It has three branches, Shem, Ham and Japheth, the sons of Noah,Genesis 6.10; 9.25-27; chapters 10 & 11. God scattered their descendents because they built the tower of Babel, Genesis 11.8,9. They became known as nations. He allocated territories to different nations, Deuteronomy 1-4. In particular, He allocated the Land of Canaan to the nation of Israel. Some to them became dispossessed of their land because of their sin, Genesis 15.16; Exodus 3. 8;  Acts 13.19.

Furthermore, He divided the history of this world into ages or epochs of time. In Hebrews 11.3 we read, “By faith we understand the ages to have been prepared by a saying of God” (Young’s Literal Translation). Paul’s words must have appealed to the Stoics for they were very interested in the international scene. They learnt that they were not living in Greece by chance. Neither do we in our respective countries.

Verse 27. God desires the inhabitants to seek Him, Isaiah 55.6; Hosea 10.12 and rewards such, Hebrews 11.6. They would then feel or grope after Him and find Him. The Epicurians at best thought God was a remote Being. Not so, for God asked Israel, “Am I a God at hand…and not a God afar off?, Jeremiah 23.23,24. The word of God was near them says Romans 10.8.

Verse28. Our existence and activity of life are due to God’s sustaining power upon us for He is omnipresent. Jonah learnt this by bitter experience; not so David, Psalm 139.7-10. Paul was alluding to the pantheistic teaching of the Stoics. He then quotes from Aratus of Cilicea who describes humanity as God’s “offspring”. Compare Titus 1.12.

Verse 29. Mankind are the offspring of God creatorially, Genesis 1.26,27. They are made in the image and likeness of God. “Image” implies they represent and manifest God. “Likeness” indicates “the original after which a thing is patterned”. (Vine’s Dictionary, p.136,  p.318). Like God, they are a tripart being : Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Matthew 28.19; spirit, soul and body, 1 Thessalonians .5.23, respectively. He should never be likened to idols, Isaiah 40.18-20, 25.

Verses 30-31a illustrates the epochs of time mentioned in verse 26. They are also called “times” and “seasons” in Acts 1.7; 1 Thessalonians 5.1. “Times” refers to a period; “season” refers to the character of that period. Here we have the past which was characterised by man’s ignorance of God and His forbearance. Now we live in a period when God commands all to repent. A day of judgement will follow when Christ will judge this world, John 5.22,27. Therefore, the past, present and future are seen here. Compare 1 Thessalonians 1. 9,10; Titus 2.11-14.

Resurrection is the fourth issue, verses 31b-32.  The resurrection of Christ gave assurance of judgement as well as salvation, Romans 10.9.  It is a fundamental doctrine of Christianity which permeates the Book of Acts. The Epicurians would mock it because essentially they were atheists. Others  procastinated.


  1. The Outcome of the Discourse, v. 32- 34.

Paul’s first three missions in Europe, at Philippi, Thessalonica and Berea, led to many converts and physical abuse. At Athens there were less converts and verbal abuse. Some Athenians changed allegiance and believed Paul’s message, such as Dionysius the Areopagite and Demaris, showing that the Gospel is impartial to  status and gender, verse 34. Compare Galatians 3.30. They were a microcosm of people God was calling from the nations to form His church, Acts 15.14.

The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

“I never had a Damascus road conversion”, I sometimes hear people say. By this they mean their conversion was not as dramatic as,f or example, that of a criminal. They use this phrase figuratively but it is derived from a literal event, namely, the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, who became the Apostle Paul, Acts 13.9.

I wish to consider Saul of Tarsus’ conversion from a historical and spiritual standpoint.

Historical Standpoint.

“I am a Jew from Tarsus, in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city” said Paul to a Roman commander in Acts 21.39. Compare Acts 22.3.Tarsus was the capital of the Roman province of Cilicia, in what is now southern Turkey. This was a strategic location for both commercial and military purposes. Paul describes it negatively as “no mean city”. The negative is used for emphasis.1

“As one born out of due time” or “as an abortive offspring”  Paul describes his conversion in 1 Corinthians 15.8. His sudden and dramatic change from a vehement enemy of the Gospel to being its most zealous advocate was truly amazing. The zeal he had for the Jewish faith was now redirected to the Christian faith, Philippians 3.6-8.

His zeal was characteristic of the tribe of Benjamin to which he belonged, Romans 11.1; Philippians 3.5. In Genesis 49.27 Jacob says of the descendants of his son Benjamin, “Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he shall devour the prey; and at night he shall divide the spoil”. This wolf-like zeal of the Benjamites indicates that they would be fierce and fearless. Examples are Ehud, Judges 3.22; Saul and Jonathan, 2 Samuel 1. 22, 25, 27; Esther and Mordecai, Esther 2.5,7; 9.2-5.

Saul of Tarsus demonstrated his wolf-like zeal in the Book of the Acts. In chapter 8.1 he consented to the death of Stephen. Verse 3 says “he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison”. Not only the men but even the women were bound and transported from Damascus to Jerusalem, verse 2.

These passages remind us of what the Lord foretold His disciples in John 16.2, “They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you thinks that he offers God service”.

His prey was the “people of the Way”. Meyer says that the Way is “the characteristic direction of life as determined on faith of Jesus Christ” (Quoted In M R Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament p. 243). It occurs nine times in Acts and is described in various ways. The best known is in 16.17 “the Way of salvation”. Read also 18.25,26;19.9,23;22.4;24.14,22. Compare John 14.6.

Saul was authorised by the high priest in Jerusalem to bind and transport these people. However, God stopped him in his tracks as he journeyed from Jerusalem to Damascus. He did this by shining a light from Heaven, chapter 9.3. This light is described in more detail in the other two accounts of Saul’s conversion, namely, chapters 22.3-16 & 26.4-20. In 22.6, the light is “a great light” and in 26.13 it is described as “a light above the brightness of the sun”. Therefore the light did not become dimmer in his memory.

The light startled Saul causing him to fall to the ground, verse 4. Then he heard a voice asking him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” This is a very significant statement. The Lord Jesus was in Heaven and so not physically persecuted on earth as were His followers. Nonetheless, He was sympathetic to them, as members of His body, the church. In his letters, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4 and Colossians 2, Paul uses the human body as an illustration of God’s heavenly people, the church. The same is true of the nation of Israel, God’s earthly people, as is seen in the parable of the sheep and the goats, Matthew 25.31-46.

The Lord called his name twice -“Saul, Saul” – so as to deter him from persecuting His church any further and to make him feel guilty for doing it. Galatians 1.13 says that he persecuted it “beyond measure and tried to destroy it.”  It was something he deeply regretted, 1 Corinthians 15.9.

Saul then asks, “Who are You, Lord?, verse 5.The reply was “I am Jesus”. This name on its own emphasises the Lord’s humanity. That is why it is used so often in the Gospels and the Hebrew Epistle. “Jesus of Nazareth” is the answer in Acts 22.8 which adds more emphasis on His humanity. Note how none of His followers simply addressed or referred to Him as “Jesus”. They included titles such as “Son of David” and “Lord”. We should do the same.

“It is hard for you to kick against the goads” the Lord Jesus continued. He was employing an image from the farming industry. Oxen were made to tread out the corn but often required proding from an implement with spikes or goads at one end.They  typified the pricks on Saul’s conscience as he persecuted Christians.
Saul’s questions in verses 5 and 6 are very significant: “Who are You, Lord?” and “Lord what will You have me to do?” The essence of his zeal was to know and serve Christ. Compare Philippians 3.10 “That I may know Him” and Acts 27.23, “Whose I am and Who I serve”. When his execution was imminent he states in 2 Timothy that these desires had been fulfilled. In chapter 1.12 he says, “I know Whom I have believed” and chapter 4.7, “I have finished the course”.

“The Lord appeared to Saul. He was seen by Him there as a living and reigning One, having a right to lordship over him, and making a personal appeal to him. For the moment there might not be any others in the universe than these two; and the matter to be settled between them was whether the sinner would accept the Saviour as his sovereign, or would reject Him as an usurper. Paul was “apprehended of Christ Jesus”; would he be apprehended for that which he was apprehended? (Philippians 3.12). That was the matter now he had to settle. It was a crisis, short, sharp, almost volcanic in its intensity, but yet thoroughly decisive; for he came out of it yielding unreservedly to Jesus as he cried, “Lord what wilt Thou have me to do?”. (Bible Biographies. Paul the Missionary, page 28, by W. M. Taylor, D.D.).

“The rest of Paul’s experiences at this time can be summed up thus – He acknowledged a new Master, verse 6; he went to live in Straight Street, verse 11; he prayed, verse 11; he was baptised, verse 18; he joined himself with the disciples, verse 19; he preached Christ, verse 20;  he increased in strength, verse 22; he suffered persecution, verse 23; he still  joined the disciples when he went to reside in another town, verse 26”. (Fifty Two Bible Lessons, page 83, volume 3, by William Rodgers). Paul, surely, is an example to us all.

Spiritual Standpoint

In 1 Timothy 1.12-16 we read of Paul’s conversion subjectively. In these verses he says how he was saved through the mercy and grace of God.

When we compare this text with those in other epistles we see how Paul’s estimation of himself diminishes as he grows older. In 1 Corinthians 15.9 we read, “For I am the least of the apostles, and am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.” First Corinthians was one of the earliest epistles Paul wrote. Later he wrote the Epistle to the Ephesians where he says in chapter 3.8,” I am less than the least of all saints”. In 1Timothy, one of his last epistles, Paul states in chapter1.15, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief”.

In verse 16 Paul says that his conversion is a “pattern” or “sketch”, “just like a master will first draw a rough pencil sketch before attempting his final work. This sketch revealed Paul, as illustration, pattern or model, of the type of work that sovereign grace was going to perform in the lives of all those who would believe hereafter”. (The Epistles of Timothy and Titus, page 82, by W. Hendriksen).

In Galatians 1.13-17 and Philippians 3.4-9 we have another subjective view of Paul’s conversion. They both deal with  Paul being saved by God’s grace rather than his self righteousness. William Rodgers draws some striking contrasts between the texts in Philippians 3 and  1 Timothy 1. “In Philippians 3 he describes himself so religious and so law keeping, the wonder is that he needed salvation at all; but in 1 Timothy 1 he thinks of himself as such a vile sinner, the wonder is that God was willing to save one like him, a “blasphemer” of His Son, a “persecutor” of His saints and an “injurer” of His work. In the one case he is depicted as men saw him; but in the other as he was in God’s sight.”

In conclusion, I quote the old adage:
”Only one life, it will soon be passed;
only what is done for Christ will last”.

1 This is a common literary technique which abounds in the Bible especially in the Gospel and Epistles of John.