The Sinlessness of Christ

The Sinlessness of Christ

The Sinlessness of Christ

The season of Lent in 2021 starts on February 17th and ends on 1st April. During this time church-goers reflect on the Temptations of the Lord Jesus Christ as recorded in Matthew 4.1-11; Mark 1.12-13; Luke 4.1-13. They took place to show that He could not sin rather than He could sin. One has illustrated this truth in this way. If you wanted to buy a washing machine the sales person would give you a demonstration that the machine would not break down rather than it would break down.

The Bible is very clear on the matter of the sinlessness of Christ.

Paul, the intellect, said He “knew no sin”, 2 Corinthians 5.21.

Peter, the man of action, said He “did no sin”, 1 Peter 2.22.

John, the man of affection, said “in Him is no sin”, 1 John 3.5.

“On mount Calvary Jesus died alone,

For your sins and mine

Not for sins His own.

Oh the wonder of His grace,

Dying in the sinner’s place,

As the love of God we trace to Calvary”.



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